Winton Plant Hire
Excavators for hire, rental or lease.
Our excavating plant hire services are provided throughout South Africa.
Our excavator fleet consists of five 20 ton units, two 25 ton units and one 30 ton unit. These are available for hire on a weekly basis and also for long term rentals or leases.
Our plant hire services include suitably qualified operators.
Should any problem like breakages arise, if it cannot be repaired immediately, we will supply another excavator, to keep down time to the bare minimum.
All rates are dependant upon availability, duration of hire, and type of work.
We have a long established working relationship with two transporters for transporting our excavators.
However clients are welcome to use their own transport, should this suit them better.
We prefer not to hire out for periods of less than one week since establishment costs for less than 5 days are not cost effective.
We currently have 8 crawler excavators which all come with at least two different bucket sizes as well as specialist attachments such as screening drums, ripping teeth and grabbing teeth.
We have pecker units!
A hydraulic pecker is mounted on excavators, mini-excavators and other plant machinery.
Driven by hydraulic power it breaks rocks into smaller sizes or demolishes concrete structures into manageable pieces.
Standard bucket sizes:
400mm, 650mm, 750mm, 900mm, 1000mm
Note: By halving the bucket size, you double the breakout force